They made the answers
But there weren’t so
many questions then
Drones, “Jezebel”
Admission: Late to the party as usual, but Republican
presidential hopeful Rick Santorum’s statements on the 19 February 2012 episode of Face the Nation about “man” and
the Earth and “phony theology” deserve a bit more reflection. The implication
that man and Earth are distinct, not invested in one another, is phony—perhaps
not (pre-Vatican II?) theologically, but by most other measures of
semi-reasonable observation. What’s at stake here is unmasking pervasive
attitudes that forgive earth injury in the name of…what? God? Power? Manifest
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injured, a world |
The consequences of nuclear testing in the form of radiation
entering the foodstream starts the song and from there the verses comment
acidly on misadventures in the Middle East, war, terrorism, and the deals that
“we” (the West, terrorists, suicide bombers: all are equally condemned) make
with the Devil in seeking dominion over others. What the apocalyptic “A Hard
Rain’s A-Gonna Fall” meant to an earlier generation, “Jezebel” should mean to a
post-punk, post-9/11, and post-Bush generation; in the song the Drones attempt
to understand this post-rational world rooted in spectacles of fear mongering
and death-dealing. “Bombproof the embassy,” lead singer Gareth Liddiard
implores. “Give infanticide a cemetery.” Diplomacy and innocence (you can’t get
much more innocent than infants) are dead in this world. “Uranium tips [and]
night vision cruise missiles,” the lyrics suggest, are the only means that "we" now use to understand this world.
The “Jezebel” in the title of the song is never identified.
I doubt the band literally means the Biblical queen of Israel; rather, I take
the band to mean Jezebel in its contemporary popular sense of a sexually promiscuous
woman. A sinner, a whore, who tempts a man to indulge his sensual passions,
his desire for power in the case of the song, and ignore his more significant
relations. Earth is the Jezebel man desires in the song; complete dominion over
our mother and all her children—even if dominion means killing them, her
children, us. “I’m gonna lose my skin,” the singer laments. “And I ain’t gonna
see you again.”
The work I bicycle to on mornings such as this is in the American Indian Studies Department at the University of Minnesota where I teach courses on Native literature and the Drones’ song got me to thinking about the contrast between indigenous worldviews (as embodied in the literature I teach) and those kind of worldviews stunted by fundamentalist monotheisms that see man (never woman) as the center of the world (which the Drones brilliantly crucify—yes, I said it—in the song).
In class in recent days we’ve been discussing a phrase that
one of the characters in Thomas King’s Green Grass, Running Water repeats again and again (and which other characters
begin to use as the book unfolds). The character, Norma, the main character’s
auntie, a woman—an elder to be heeded—continually appeals to those around her
to “Mind your relations.”
Norma’s statement is so simple that it could mean anything
from “Listen to your family” to the more broadly philosophical turf of “Think
about how you relate to others”—and “others” here must be understood as other
people, other nations (including those of the animals and plants), as well as
others in the grander cosmological sense of the sun, the moon, and the stars;
it needs to be thought about as other times and places (physical and spiritual);
it is intergenerational and transdimensional. Mind these things as relations,
think with them as you think about yourself, step outside egocentric
indulgences and consider your place in the broader community of family and
history, environment and the Earth. Mind these things as equals, as invested in
you as you are in them. You may be small and insignificant compared to a star
but in your relations you are a giant. Mind your relations because you are
them. The Earth is the mother that pushes you into this matrix of
relations, and you are always connected with them. The Earth of minded relations is no
Jezebel; her breast feeds, it does not mislead.
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i could eat you, but then gingivitis would ruin my life |
Having the Drones pounding through my earphones as I think
about minding my relations, candidate Santorum’s words last Sunday came winging
(or might that be whinging, in the British sense of the word) back to me.
As he tried to explain to Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer what he meant in calling President Obama’s a “phony theology,” Santorum revealed the limits of his theology and his inability to mind his relations. He explained that "radical environmentalists" have “this idea that-- that man is-- is not-- is here to serve the Earth as opposed to husband its resources and be good stewards of the Earth. And I think that is a-- a-- is a phony ideal.” In an attempt to clarify what “man” “is” or “is not” to do, Santorum continued, “man is here to-- to use the resources and use them wisely, to care for the Earth, to be a steward of the Earth. But we're not here to serve the Earth. The Earth is not the objective. Man is the objective.”
As he tried to explain to Face the Nation host Bob Schieffer what he meant in calling President Obama’s a “phony theology,” Santorum revealed the limits of his theology and his inability to mind his relations. He explained that "radical environmentalists" have “this idea that-- that man is-- is not-- is here to serve the Earth as opposed to husband its resources and be good stewards of the Earth. And I think that is a-- a-- is a phony ideal.” In an attempt to clarify what “man” “is” or “is not” to do, Santorum continued, “man is here to-- to use the resources and use them wisely, to care for the Earth, to be a steward of the Earth. But we're not here to serve the Earth. The Earth is not the objective. Man is the objective.”
Man’s needs, the Earth’s resources, are the objective. Man is here to care for the Earth, even if his “objective” needs threaten Earth’s ability to sustain us. The object it seems is to penetrate the Earth, what with the way she titillates us with her resources, and “steward” her, lead her back to the path of righteousness, but only once we’ve “used [her] wisely”. Indulge yourself man, the Earth is not the objective; she is the object, the Jezebel who serves man’s desires, yet needs his guidance. Dominion is the objective, a shattering of relations the consequence.
what else pops out? why those knowing smiles? |
I disagree. A plain sweater vest might be a throwback to simpler times, but machine embroidering one's own name on a sweater vest--or on a number of sweater vests-- and then wearing them in public for self promotion hints at a post-ironic, uber-hipster aesthetic.
ReplyDeleteI think Meland is just trying to pump as much co2 into the atmosphere as he can when with his bike riding, att's what I think.
ReplyDeleteI had a Meland bike ride experience last night while watching the 1977 "Jaws" wannabe movie "Orca". "Orca" is about a killer whale that exacts revenge for murder of his wife and child. "Orca" stars Richard Harris as Captain Nolan, a shark hunter who triggers an orca vendetta when kills rather than captures a killer whale.
Nolan is huge fail on the relationship front. He destroys his relationship with nature, and his relationship with his fishing village is destroyed when the Orca attacks them. An Indian (Will Sampson of "Cuckoo’s Nest" fame) even shows up to council Nolan, but to no avail. Nolan's misery springs from his failure to be considerate. He fails to consider the consequences of his actions, nor does he have any consideration for nature or the whales he decides to capture. Nolan embarks on his catastrophic quest simply because he’s "that the kind of guy", as if he can exist outside of his relationships.
Nolan reminds of Rick Santorum. Santorum flounders around destroying relationships because he has no capacity for consideration, in fact his world view appears to be centered around the practice of being inconsiderate. Santorum seems to think he can live outside of his relationships. Like Nolan, Santorum is all about what kind of guy HE is- what are HIS principles, HIS Theology, HIS agenda. Santorum is defined by what he apposes, not what he's affiliated with.
Unlike Santorum the candidate, we can have hope for Nolan the movie character because Nolan has shame. Nolan is ashamed of his actions and the consequences they deliver to his community. This gives us hope for Nolan because shame promotes consideration. Santorum on the other hand disregards shame as weakness thereby negating the capacity for consideration. Nolan can be redeemed a moral agent, that's what minding relations is all about, being a moral agent in the universe. Santorum proclaims his morality but lacks the equipment to manifest it. For Santorum morality itself becomes weakness, he can mimic consideration on occasion but one cannot be considerate outside of relationships.
Actually, from this wacko science perspective, they quote the 95% of species are extinct stat all the time. Evolution doesn't care what you do, it just selects whatever survives. Seems like the Republicans are outnumbering the democrats these days, so maybe it's the survival road. Then again, maybe nature wants to add one more species to the 95%. But that's the trap, nature doesn't want, it just survives.
ReplyDeleteOh, and why do I always have to prove I'm not a robot. Maybe I am a robot